A well attended meeting, there being only one absent member. Terry Braithwaite presented the Club with whisky and gin on the occasion of his retirement.
Category: Archive Minutes
February 1994
Due to heavy snow-fall only 9 members were present and Mr Taylor presided over a small but most enjoyable meeting.
January 1994
Reg Stern kindly donated some books to the Club. David Olliver to arrange for the old documents etc of the Club to be available at the Simpson Dinner venue.
December 1993
The President welcomed Jim Gardner to the Club. Simpson Dinner to be held at the Railway Hotel on Thursday the 3rd of February. The meeting was closed and followed by an Xmas buffet.
November 1993
The Book Club has now commenced monthly meetings at the Railway Hotel. Messrs Olliver and Reeve welcomed to the Club by the President. The book sale conducted by Mr Macgregor and it raised £66.00 on sales alone. A book on the complete works of Robert Burns donated to the Club by Mr Tam Riddock, the President of “Ashburn House Burns Club”, Alloa. The Secretary is to write to that club in response to this kind gesture. Mr Braithwaite was thanked for arranging a most enjoyable Ladies Night dinner. Members drank a toast to Bill Robinson with the whisky he had kindly presented to the Club in July to mark his 80th birthday.
October 1993
The President read out a letter of resignation from Jack Atkinson due to health reasons. Ballot for three new proposed members taken and all were unanimously accepted. Ladies Night confirmed for the 18th of November at Clarence House. There appears to be no suitable accommodation for us at the Conservative Club for future meetings following structural alterations being carried out. Alan Taylor is to approach the licensee of the Railway Hotel in an attempt for future meetings to be held there. Members will be advised during the course of the next two to three weeks of the outcome in time for the November meeting.
September 1993
Mr Taylor chaired the meeting and Alan Cassley stood in as Assistant Secretary. John Phillipson on behalf of Dalton with Newton Parish Council presented the Club with a signed copy of Jim Walton’s book “Tales of Old Dalton”. Mr Braithwaite asked that we give some thought to the Ladies Night dinner and after some discussion Reg Stern proposed it be held at Clarence House on Thursday November the 18th or November the 11th as a second choice. If unable to fit us in, the second choice venue to be Glen Garth. Three names put forward for membership of the Club and these were John Phillipson nominating Jim Gardner, Ernest Boddy nominating David Olliver and Harry Miller nominating Dennis Reeve. Earlier Club members stood in memory of Bill Hannah who died at the end of August.
August 1993
In the absence of Mr Travis, Mr Forsyth chaired the meeting with Mr Atkinson standing in for Mr Macgregor. Mr Boddy mentioned that Bryn Trescatheric’s Book of Furness would shortly be available at a cost of £15.95 and said that our name could be registered as a subscriber if we placed an order. The general consensus of opinion was that we should be seen to support local authors. To be discussed further.
July 1993
Alan Sunderland on his retirement presented the Club with bottles of whisky and gin. The President and members wished him well on his retirement. The President and members also toasted our senior member, Bill Robinson, on the occasion of his 80th Birthday and thanked him for his gift of a bottle of whisky which is to be partaken of at a later meeting. It was proposed and carried that although Bill Hannah had not attended the last seven monthly meetings no action be taken with regard to the Secretary writing to him, bearing in mind his present state of health and well-being. Bill Jones is to again try to make contact with him.
The practice of seconding proposals which has only crept in over recent years is to be discontinued as it is not and never was a requirement of the Club.”Seconded by Mr Macgregor”.
July 1993
Alan Sunderland on his retirement presented the Club with bottles of whisky and gin. The President and members wished him well on his retirement. The President and members also toasted our senior member, Bill Robinson, on the occasion of his 80th Birthday and thanked him for his gift of a bottle of whisky which is to be partaken of at a later meeting. It was proposed and carried that although Bill Hannah had not attended the last seven monthly meetings no action be taken with regard to the Secretary writing to him, bearing in mind his present state of health and well-being. Bill Jones is to again try to make contact with him.