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Annual Summary 2022-2023

At the June 2022 Meeting and AGM Mr Moore proposed that the Club continue for another year. Carried unanimously. Mr Davidson thanked the members and officers for their support during his term of office. Mr Proctor assumed the Presidency for the first year of his two and  the other officers of the club agreed to continue in their posts.

We started the year with 14 full members and one honorary member in the person of Bill Jones.  During the course of the twelve months we gained four full members and were pleased to create two more honorary ones in Harry Miller and Terry Braithwaite. Membership currently stands at 15.

Average attendance at meetings this year was slightly up at 9. The decision was taken to remove magazines from the boxes to make space for more books and two book sales were held to further reduce crowding. A total of 94 books were loaned, the most popular being No. 201, Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”.

Thanks to the hard work of our entertainment secretary, Mr Moore, two successful dinners were held, firstly the Ladies’ Night Dinner at the Stan Laurel Inn in Ulverston and secondly the Simpson Dinner for members at The Village Inn in Newton. Pie and Peas, cheese and biscuits and cake were served at the December Meeting, again with thanks to Mr Moore.

Our meeting venue, The White Horse now sports a plaque as part of the Dalton Heritage Trail. The trail was inaugurated at the Celebrate Dalton Day in June at which The Club was represented and a number of people were made aware of the existence of the oldest book club in the world.

Annual Summary – 2021-2022

Mr Uhe proposed that the Dalton Book Club continue for another year. This was accepted unanimously. The existing Club officials agreed to remain in office. This year at the Club membership has remained steady with 16 members, some more active than others. Of the 12 meetings 11 were held in person and one by Zoom due to covid restrictions. An average of 8 members attended each meeting and a total of 72 books and magazines were loaned. Mr Imlach was absent for a period due to heart surgery but has thankfully rejoined us and Mr Jones has been made an honorary member in recognition of his long service to the club. We have had the pleasure of two dinners, expertly organised by our entertainment Secretary Mr Moore with the Ladies’ Night Dinner held at the Brown Cow in Dalton on November 10th and the Forster Dinner for members at the Stan Laurel Inn in Ulverston on February the 9th. Members were treated to a pie and pea supper in July to celebrate meeting again in person and also at the December Meeting as customary, also courtesy of Mr Moore. The Club featured in a long article in Cumbria Life, April 2022 issue, after being interviewed at the January Meeting by the editor, Sarah French. Mr Davidson completed his second year as President, the Presidency being handed to Mr Proctor for the next two years.

Michael Ross, Secretary

2020 Annual Summary

Dalton Book Club 2019-2020 Annual Report, June 2020

Membership remained stable this year, starting and ending with 17 active members. Mr Dawes was as industrious as ever in press ganging his co-workers. Sadly we lost another Honorary Member, Gordon MacGregor in April. Our President described him as “A fine and unforgettable character”. Unusually this year we had one member voted in who didn’t attend any Meetings and was ultimately asked to resign.

The Ladies’ Night Dinner at the King Alfred on Walney and the Simpson Dinner at the Village Inn at Newton were both great successes thanks to Mr Moore.

Book stocks remained nearly static, beginning the year at 135 items and finishing with 137.

Due to the exceptional Covid-19 situation fewer books were loaned this year than usual totalling 78, of which 9 were borrowed twice and just one, “An Industrial Archaeology of South Ulverston” by McKeever and Layfield was borrowed three times.

Ladies’ Night 2019

By long-standing tradition the Ladies’ Night Dinner was held on the second Wednesday of November, 2019, at the King Alfred Hotel on Walney. The Members thanked Mr Moore for his hard work organising the event in his capacity as Entertainment Secretary. Below is a 360° image of the event.

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