Mr Leach proposed that the Club continue for another year.Agreed. The Secretary read the minutes for the previous 12 months and these were accepted by Mr Atkinson. Mr Taylor submitted the accounts and proposed that the subscription should be held at £10. The President, Mr Travis and Vice President Alan Taylor to continue for their second year. Proposed that Bill Johnson continue as Secretary, with Gordon Macgregor as Assistant Secretary. Terry Braithwaite with assistance from John Phillipson to continue as Catering Officers. A vote of thanks was given to all the above for the sterling work during the past year. Six books were received from Dr Manley, being volume 9 of “Library History”. Proposed and accepted that one book be given to Mr Boddy for all his work put into the history of the Club. One book be given to Mr Robinson, being the senior member of the Club. One book to be held by the President and one by the Secretary. The remaining two books to be circulated amongst the members and then to be kept in the archives.
Memorandum of Agreement.
We whose names are hereunto subscribed do consent and agree to form a club in the Conservative Club Dalton in Furness to commence on the 23rd day of June 1993 and to continue for the space of one year. Agreeable to the Rules and Directions contained in this book and we do hereby promise to conform to the same accordingly.
E Travis J E Walton J Phillipson
W H Robinson R G Macgregor A Sunderland
E H Boddy B Delph R Stern
J C Atkinson A Cassley W Morgan
G I Forsyth T A Walton W Lawson
A Taylor W Hannah W Jones
R G Porter T Braithwaite S Rogerson
J Wood W Johnson H Miller
J Blyth R Forrester P Leach