Mr Reeve proposed that the Club should continue for a further 12 months. Agreed. The minutes for the past year were read and accepted. Mr Taylor due to health reasons had not been able to present the accounts and will have these available for next month. However he did have a figure for the Club finances which total £341.01 and felt that the annual subscription could be possibly held at £10.00. Mr Travis thanked the Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and the Catering Officers for their services during his 2 years as President. The new President and Vice President to be Alan Taylor and Ron Porter respectively. Other officers to go forward as at present with the exception of Treasurer, this office will now be carried out by John Wood who confirmed the subscription will remain at £10.00. Because of the absence of both Terry Braithwaite and John Phillipson, decisions re the “Forster Dinner” have been delayed. Mr Taylor took over as President and paid tribute to the past President, Mr Travis who has done a very good job during his term of office.