Outgoing President, Alan Taylor welcomed David Caine to the Club. Minutes for the past year read and accepted. The Treasurer submitted the accounts for the year ended 31st May which were also accepted. John Wood then informed members that the annual subscription could again be held at £10. Terry Braithwaite said that both he and John Phillipson were pleased to find that the Club dinners over the past year had been better supported than previously. He is to contact members attending the Forster Dinner by telephone regarding confirmation of venue and dates re the Newton Pub at Dalton. Alan Taylor thanked the Vice President, Secretary, Asst Secretary, Treasurer and Catering Officers for their help during his term as President and then invited Ron Porter to take the chair as the new President. John Wood is to be the Vice President, Ron paid tribute to Alan Taylor for doing an excellent job during his term of office. Other officers to go forward as at present. David Caine was the proposer that the Club continue for a further 12 months.