July 1996

The President commenting on the Forster Dinner said he had enjoyed the food and the relaxed atmosphere at the Newton Pub, but was rather disappointed at there being only 14 members attending. The Secretary mentioned that a new deed box was needed to house the computer records which were presently with Tom Walton. The Treasurer said that the Club funds could be used for the purpose, which would mean an outlay of say £30.

June 1996

Outgoing President, Alan Taylor welcomed David Caine to the Club. Minutes for the past year read and accepted. The Treasurer submitted the accounts for the year ended 31st May which were also accepted. John Wood then informed members that the annual subscription could again be held at £10. Terry Braithwaite said that both he and John Phillipson were pleased to find that the Club dinners over the past year had been better supported than previously. He is to contact members attending the Forster Dinner by telephone regarding confirmation of venue and dates re the Newton Pub at Dalton. Alan Taylor thanked the Vice President, Secretary, Asst Secretary, Treasurer and Catering Officers for their help during his term as President and then invited Ron Porter to take the chair as the new President. John Wood is to be the Vice President, Ron paid tribute to Alan Taylor for doing an excellent job during his term of office. Other officers to go forward as at present. David Caine was the proposer that the Club continue for a further 12 months.

May 1996

The vote re David Caine successful but unfortunately this was not the case re Peter Leach. Reg Stern kindly donated some books to the Club. Tom Walton advised that he had completed the transfer of the Club records on to disk and was thanked by the President and members for all the hard work he had put into this task. John Phillipson gave details of several possible venues for the “Forster” dinner and the proposed venue is the “Newton” in Dalton on the 11th of July if possible. Gordon Macgregor took charge of the Book sale and was in sparkling form, following his recent fishing trip to Kilmarnock where he had caught a Killer Shark and a King-sized Haddock.

April 1996

Momentous occasion when the President announced there would be no “Whip” for the drinks, saying he had been quietly stock-piling funds for some time for this purpose. Mr Phillipson and Mr Boddy have proposed Peter Leach and David Caine respectively for membership of the Club and the ballot will be next month. Mr Phillipson asked for some thoughts to be given as to where the “Forster” dinner be held in July and names put forward were The Fisherman’s, Stroke One, Village Inn and The Farmers at Newton.

March 1996

Letter received from Peter Leach enclosing a cheque for £13.50 and advising us that he is soon to return to this area permanently and expressing a wish to resume his membership of the Club, if possible. This was discussed by the President and members and it was decided that the Secretary should write to him advising that as and when he returned permanently he should approach us at a time when consideration would be given to his request.

February 1996

Atrocious weather conditions restricted the numbers at the “Simpson Dinner” to ten, but an enjoyable meal was had and the President thanked John Phillipson for arranging the evening. Although verbally resigning from the Book Club due to now working in Newcastle, no written form of resignation has been received from Peter Leach, despite having been approached twice in this connection. There was still £13.50 owing to Terry Braithwaite re the July 95 “Forster” dinner which had to be paid even though he failed to attend. The Secretary has been asked to write to him regarding this matter. In the interim the £13.50 has been paid to Terry from Club Funds.

December 1995

Mr Porter took the chair in the absence of Mr Taylor. Apologies for Mr Morgan and the President being noted. A letter to the President from Tom Walton was read out and this concerned the Register of Members and Minute Book for 1973 to 1990 which was missing from the Club’s records. He was wanting to know if any light could be thrown on this matter and if it was worth his while continuing his work of putting the Club records on computer. A further letter was read out by John Wood which had received from Mr Boddy in which he stated he had not seen the missing Register since he completed the list of members in 1992 and that it was not in his own deed box at the Bank. The Secretary said that since receiving the concise list of members from Mr Boddy he was advised the Register was with the records. No further light could be thrown on the matter and it was left that Mr Walton should decide over the next month whether to continue on his work or not. Mr Johnson is to make a dated record of members who joined or left the Club during the years 1973 to 1990 to see if this might helpful for Tom should he decide to continue his work. Formal meeting was closed and an excellent buffet was enjoyed by all present. The Club also received a lovely Christmas Card from mine hosts.