It was agreed that the Simpson Dinner be held on Thursday 6th of February at the Newton in Dalton if available and with the Brown Cow as a second option. Mr Braithwaite is to attend to the arrangements. Tom Walton mentioned that the books etc, in the boxes held at the bank deteriorating. He said that he had been in contact with the Archivist at Barrow, who had advised him that the boxes could be lodged with them free of charge at present. The contents of the boxes would have to be listed and the general public would not have access to them. It was suggested that Tom, the President, Treasurer and Secretary should be authorised to have access to them. Tom is also to enquire if some renovation could be carried out on some of the records but will report back to the President re costs before authorising the work. The meeting was formally closed and an excellent Xmas buffet was enjoyed by all.