Mr Macgregor is absent, he has gone to Barcelona for the Olympics and Terry Braithwaite presumed he was for the high jump. Alan Taylor submitted the accounts and made mention of the fact that Bank charges were now being levied on the Book Club accounts. Mr Atkinson proposed acceptance of the annual accounts and also proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Taylor for his sterling work. The President raised the matter of a deficit on drinks money and because of rising prices it would seem that future whips will need to be in the region of £2. Mr Travis then raised the question of Club members wearing ties. After some discussion Mr Robinson said his personal opinion was that ties should be worn at Club meetings and that in summer months these and jackets could be removed at the discretion of the President. Several other members endorsed this view and no members spoke against the wearing of ties. Whilst there has been no hard and fast ruling laid down, the position has been left that the President if he feels it necessary at any future time, would speak to any member if he thought that members mode of dress was not appropriate for the monthly meeting. Vote for Peter Leach was unanimous for acceptance. Club members are each to receive a list of all current members showing their addresses and telephone numbers.