The President welcomed Lawrence Kidney to the Club. Following his recent marriage, the Secretary presented the Club with bottles of whisky and gin. “Ladies Night” dinner confirmed to be at Clarence House on Thursday the 10th of November.
Tag: Archive Minutes
September 1994
Ballot for proposed new member Mr L Kidney taken and the result was favourable. John Phillipson is to approach Clarence House re “Ladies Night Dinner” on either the 3rd or 10th of November if possible.
Peter Leach presented the Club with “The Guinness Book of Sporting Blunders”. Mr Boddy asked if the accounts were now available and it is hoped they will be ready next month. After further discussions re a Club Tie, it has been set aside due to costs.
August 1994
The President thanked John Phillipson for organising the “Forster Dinner” which had been enjoyed by the 16 members attending. He then asked if John and Terry could be giving some thought to venues for “Ladies Night” which is usually held in November. Bernard Delph has put forward a Mr Lawrence Kidney for proposed membership to the Club. Bill Jones has very kindly donated to the Club a signed copy of “Willie” by Mike Gardner, being the biography of Willie Horne. The subject of a Club Tie was again raised and the President and Treasurer were of the opinion that the Club was not really in a position to subscribe part of the initial costs. However, they are to discuss this in detail and the matter will be brought up next month.
July 1994
The President asked Mr Phillipson to update members on arrangements for the “Forster Dinner”, John advised that the dinner would be at Clarence House on Thursday the 4th of August, price £11.50 inclusive of gratuity.
June 1994
Mr Reeve proposed that the Club should continue for a further 12 months. Agreed. The minutes for the past year were read and accepted. Mr Taylor due to health reasons had not been able to present the accounts and will have these available for next month. However he did have a figure for the Club finances which total £341.01 and felt that the annual subscription could be possibly held at £10.00. Mr Travis thanked the Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and the Catering Officers for their services during his 2 years as President. The new President and Vice President to be Alan Taylor and Ron Porter respectively. Other officers to go forward as at present with the exception of Treasurer, this office will now be carried out by John Wood who confirmed the subscription will remain at £10.00. Because of the absence of both Terry Braithwaite and John Phillipson, decisions re the “Forster Dinner” have been delayed. Mr Taylor took over as President and paid tribute to the past President, Mr Travis who has done a very good job during his term of office.
May 1994
Book sale conducted by Gordon Macgregor in his usual inimitable style. The President raised the matter of the Forster Dinner and Mr Phillipson is to make tentative enquiries re venue and report back.
April 1994
The President asked Alan Cassley to address the meeting regarding the possible purchase of a Club Tie and the Secretary gave details of prices and minimum numbers that could be ordered of the two types of tie. Namely the cheaper printed tie or the dearer woven tie. Of the 21 members present 5 said they would not be prepared to buy a Club Tie. This would of course increase the cost of ties to those prepared to buy. Mr Phillipson asked if the cost of design of the tie could be initially be paid for from Club funds, which would be in the region of £95.00 minimum. The subject is to be raised again at a future meeting. Price details etc are with the Secretary’s notes.
January 1994
Reg Stern kindly donated some books to the Club. David Olliver to arrange for the old documents etc of the Club to be available at the Simpson Dinner venue.
December 1993
The President welcomed Jim Gardner to the Club. Simpson Dinner to be held at the Railway Hotel on Thursday the 3rd of February. The meeting was closed and followed by an Xmas buffet.
August 1993
In the absence of Mr Travis, Mr Forsyth chaired the meeting with Mr Atkinson standing in for Mr Macgregor. Mr Boddy mentioned that Bryn Trescatheric’s Book of Furness would shortly be available at a cost of £15.95 and said that our name could be registered as a subscriber if we placed an order. The general consensus of opinion was that we should be seen to support local authors. To be discussed further.