Book Sale, another good effort by Mr Macgregor as auctioneer. Tom Walton has retired. Again we were provided with the usual spirits to help him celebrate the event. More to come next month via Jim Walton.
Tag: Archive Minutes
April 1991
Mr Braithwaite supplied bottles of whisky and gin to celebrate his appointment to the Furness Anti-Crime Team.
November 1990
N.B. The “Jowett Book” No 287 donated by Bill Robinson to be retained for the Club archives, not to be sold. Mr Macgregor in handing round tokens, badly stubbed his toe. He forebore to swear but Mr Bamford thought Mr Macgregor should be fined for his thoughts. Sacrilege tonight, the President was served last but the members were so well disciplined they forebore to drink until the President was at last served. Mr Phillipson proposed Lawrence Searle as a new member. Dr Manley’s letter reported. Mr Macgregor excelled, £8.75 was achieved for “Book on Birds”.
October 1990
Visit by Dr Keith Manley of University of London Institute of Historical Research. Jim Walton met Dr Manley off the 7.12pm train and Alan Cassley wanted to know if Jim was late for the last meeting or early for this meeting, (reference to Jim’s frequent lateness to meetings). Dr Manley has for 5 years been investigating Book Clubs. He discovered our Club still functioning from the 18th Century. He was appreciative of the opportunity to see the archives and especially the minute book. Most clubs died off or became dining clubs who met at mid-day for lunch possibly. This was due to lack of lighting in streets at night. W.H.Smith tended to kill off book clubs when they made books available to a wider reading public. Leadhills had a club which started in 1740 and operated very much as we do, most books were kept , not sold as we do. He hoped we would carry on. The President thanked Dr Manley, Mr Macgregor asked if most clubs had started and functioned like ours?. The reply was. The clergy were greatly interested e.g. in Sedburgh in 1770. Clubs started chiefly because of the high cost of books. Mr Phillipson asked what would be the result of Dr Manley’s research. Reply, result would be a pamphlet, perhaps we will be able to acquire one. Another 2 years will see the finish of the research.
September 1990
Enquiries made about Mr Doling’s health which has not been good for some time. Tributes made to his great courage and determination. Mr Bamford sent a letter explaining his absence due to health reasons. Mr Braithwaite brought us up to date re dinners, Thursday 18th October at Arlington House – Forster Dinner. Let Terry know requirements before 10th October. Ladies Night to be at Clarence House on Thursday 29th November – normal menu. December meeting on 19th to avoid Boxing Day. Mr Braithwaite to arrange usual refreshments for the 19th.
August 1990
Mr Travis took the chair in the absence of Mr Forsyth. Former member John Darrell was a welcome visitor. Mr Boddy proposed we should accept no charge from him, since we are always pleased to see him. The President (acting) had already taken care of this matter. No “Newcastle Brown” tonight – collapse of Jack Blyth. Mr Travis noted that the cost of drinks was about £1.30 for each member (and set to rise further). Mr Delph asked permission to smoke. Mr Travis – “If you must you can”. Mr Phillipson outlined an invitation of the “Dalton History Society” to an “At Home” at Barrow, Furness Abbey etc, — see leaflet. He also drew attention to a new book by A Fadzean. Details next meeting.
July 1990
Mr Macgregor willing to carry on as Assistant Secretary (he was absent from the A.G.M.). He invited members to comment on the kind of topics and subjects of books members would like to see in the Club. The Treasurer reminded that subs and payments outstanding are due. The President stressed that 19 books were returned tonight and he urged members to be pernickerty about sending in books when they cannot attend a meeting, perhaps fines should be increased. Mr Boddy – we should consider having two dinners a year instead of three as at present and to think about this in the near future.
June 1990
Dr Rogerson proposed that the Club should continue for another year, agreed. Minutes for previous year read and accepted. Mr Taylor presented accounts and Mr Boddy proposed acceptance of them.
The President thanked Mr Taylor for his efforts during the year working on the accounts and finances of the Club. He also thanked Mr Macgregor (in his absence) for his work on selecting and buying of the books and also on his skill and humour when acting as auctioneer at the book sales. Mr Wood and Mr Braithwaite were also thanked for their good efforts in arranging the Clubs dinners. The members too were thanked for their support at the functions, especially enjoyable had been the dinner at Michaelson House. Mr Atkinson as retiring President thanked the members for the help and support given to him during his Presidency. He then invited Mr Forsyth to take the chair as incoming President.
Mr Forsyth welcomed Dr S Rogerson to the Club and outlined the rules and duties required of him. Dr Rogerson suitably replied. Subscriptions to be kept at £10. Mr Travis to be Vice-President, other officers as at present. Mr Forsyth said the stewards role was an important part of our Club and they were greatly appreciated.
Memorandum of Agreement.
We whose names are hereunto subscribed do consent and agree to form a club in the “Dalton Conservative Club” to commence on the 27th day of June 1990 and to continue for the space of one year. Agreeable to the Rules and Directions contained in this book and we do hereby promise to conform to the same accordingly.
G I Forsyth J Blyth J Taylor
W H Robinson J E Walton R Forrester
E H Boddy R G Macgregor J Phillipson
H G Doling R Hodgson A Sunderland
J C Atkinson B Delph R Stern
E Travis A Cassley W Morgan
A Taylor T A Walton W Lawson
A Bamford W Hannah W Jones
R G Porter T Braithwaite S Rogerson
J Wood W Johnson