David Caine proposed that the Club continue for a further 12 months, agreed. Minutes for the past year, read and accepted. The Treasurer submitted the accounts for the year ended 31st May which were also accepted, he then informed members that the annual subscription could be held at £10, bearing in mind that £196 of expenditure in the accounts just submitted would not be recurring within the next five years or so. The President thanked elected officers for their help and work during the past year. There being no names put forward the officers to go forward as at present. The meeting was tinged with sadness due to the death of Bill Robinson and this June meeting would have seen him complete 50 years membership of the Club. Mrs Robinson sent along a bottle of cognac to the meeting as Bill had requested this to be done. Members then stood and drank in memory of Bill. The President spoke in memory of him both as a member and friend, as did Eric Travis, Members were advised that the licensee of The Railway had given notice to leave but until we know who the new tenants were to be we could not be certain if we could continue Club meetings at this venue.
Tag: Dalton Book Club
May 1997
Members were informed that Bill Robinson was in hospital and very poorly. Terry Braithwaite advised that the Forster dinner would be at the Old Mill on Thursday the 10th of July meeting between 7.30 – 8.00pm. A somewhat memorable May meeting as Gordon Macgregor was not to be heard although present. Terry Braithwaite took charge of the book sale doing a splendid job and proving to be as economical with the truth regarding the merits of various books as is Mr Macgregor. A sum of £44.75 being raised on the night plus £5 to come from absentees.
April 1997
The Secretary raised the subject of members in the book club advising that there were two vacancies to bring the numbers up to 29 and that names of prospective members could be put forward through the President. Terry Braithwaite asked for thought to be given regarding the Forster dinner and after some discussion it was decided he should make tentative enquiries re the Old Mill as the venue on either the 10th or 17th July. He will report back.
March 1997
Usual monthly meeting and other than normal procedure there was no other business topics raised.