October 1996

The dinner for Ladies Night to be held on Thursday 21st November, venue to be Fishermans Arms as first choice. If not available on that night then the dinner will be held at Clarence House. John Wood said he had made enquiries re a metal deed box for the Club records and that the cost could be in the region of £100. Agreed he should go ahead with the purchase. He also mentioned that Tom Walton had not asked for any remuneration for the considerable time spent on his putting the Club records on computer. He therefore felt that the next years annual Club subscription for Tom should be waived. Agreed.

November 1995

Book sale conducted by John Wood in the absence of Gordon Macgregor, the total amount being raised was £49.50, which was only 10p less than the earlier Book sale in May. A vote of thanks given to John for a splendid effort. A further vote of thanks was given to John Phillipson and Terry Braithwaite for organising an enjoyable “Ladies Night” dinner.