November 1995

Book sale conducted by John Wood in the absence of Gordon Macgregor, the total amount being raised was £49.50, which was only 10p less than the earlier Book sale in May. A vote of thanks given to John for a splendid effort. A further vote of thanks was given to John Phillipson and Terry Braithwaite for organising an enjoyable “Ladies Night” dinner.

October 1995

“Ladies Night” dinner to be held on the 9th of November at Chequers, Dalton, meet at 7.30 for 8.00pm. Tom Walton has kindly offered to enter the Book Club records on computer and it was agreed that the box containing the said records to be left with him until completion of this mammoth task. Tom has also produced new lists of members and their addresses together with new lists of Book Club rules. He would not accept any remuneration re this work and materials involved and the President expressed the Club members thanks and appreciation for the hard work done and to be done by Tom in connection with the records. December meeting to be held on the 20th and our Treasurer John Wood said the Club funds could stand the payment for an Xmas buffet on the night.

September 1995

The President welcomed Mr Dobson to the Club. The President then mentioned a letter and visit that Mr Boddy had received from a Mr Gavin of Ambleside who has written several articles and essays on the various types of lending Libraries in Cumbria. Mr Gavin was wanting to have sight of and read the lists of books and authors from the beginning of the Book Club to 1990. After some discussion among the members it was decided on a show of hands that when Mr Gavin contacts the Secretary he should be advised that considering his request covers some 135 years of books and our records are in the Bank vaults, it would seem to be an onerous task bearing in mind that these records must always be in the safe keeping of a Club member.

July 1995

Terry Braithwaite was unable to attend the meeting and sent a letter to the President regarding the “Forster Dinner” and enclosing £23.20 refunded by the owner of the Victoria Park Hotel. This is to be handed to members who attended the dinner at £1.45 each. Bill Morgan and Harry Miller declined to accept and kindly donated their refunds to Club funds. The dinner was a disappointment both in quality and service. Jim Gardner has put forward a Roland Dobson for proposed membership to the Club. It was felt by certain members that the correct procedure had not been followed, but rule 22 covering this matter has not been contravened.

June 1995

June 1995.

Mr Olliver proposed the Club continue for a further 12 months. Agreed. Minutes for the past year read and accepted. The Treasurer submitted the accounts for the year ended 31st of May which were also accepted. Copies of the accounts were given to members present. Mr Wood informed members that the annual subscription could be held at £10.00. Accepted. The President thanked the Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Catering Officers for their help and services during the past year. Officers to go forward as at present, there being no other nominations. The “Forster Dinner” is to be at the Victoria Park Hotel on Thursday the 13th of July. Harry Miller on his retirement from work presented the Club with bottles of whisky and gin. The President and members drank his health, wishing him a long and happy retirement.

Memorandum of Agreement.

We whose names are hereunto subscribed do consent and agree to form a club in the Railway Hotel, Dalton in Furness, to commence on the 28th of June 1995 and to continue for the space of one year. Agreeable to the Rules and Directions contained in this book and we do hereby promise to conform to the same accordingly.

A Taylor B Delph W Lawson
W H Robinson A Cassley W Jones
E H Boddy T A Walton S Rogerson
G I Forsyth T Braithwaite H Miller
E Travis W Johnson P Leach
R G Porter R Forrester J C Gardner
J Wood J Phillipson D Olliver
J Blyth A Sunderland L Kidney
J E Walton R Stern W Morgan
R G Macgregor

May 1995

Book sale conducted by John Wood in the absence of Gordon Macgregor who is believed to be in South Africa and rumoured to be staying at the Hilton Hotel, Soweto. Proceeds of the sale amounted to £49.60 thanks due to the good efforts of John. A vote taken re the “Forster Dinner” resulted in the venue being at the Victoria Park Hotel. Terry Braithwaite is to try and arrange for the dinner to be either the 6th or the 13th of July. A former member of the Book Club, a Mr Williscroft was welcomed to the meeting by the President. All in all a most enjoyable evening.